Education for Sustainable Development certificate confirms quality of IWSS offers

Within the North German initiative "Norddeutsch und Nachhaltig - Mit Bildung Zukunft sichern" (NuN), the International Wadden Sea School (IWSS) has been re-certified as "Bildungspartner für Nachhaltigkeit" (educational partner for sustainable development). Having been issued the first certification in 2008, it is the third time that the IWSS offer has proven its quality and continuous contribution to education for sustainable development. In her laudation, Meike Witte of the Ministry of General Education and Vocational Training, Science, Research and Culture in Schleswig-Holstein stated: "During the audit group's visit to the IWSS headquarters in Husum, it was particularly positive that and how the international exchange and networking with the countries along the East Atlantic Flyway and the Yellow Sea, where there is also a Wadden Sea, has further intensified”.
"It is rewarding, especially for the work of Anja Szczesinski in Husum, to see the continuous work of the IWSS as an exchange structure and network focusing on education for sustainable development in the whole Wadden Sea region being recertified as an part of the NuN framework", says Claus von Hoerschelmann, member of the Network Group Education, who received the certificate on behalf of IWSS at the ceremony in Elmshorn on 6 July 2023.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an approach to education that aims to foster knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values necessary for individuals to contribute to building a more sustainable future. It recognises that sustainable development requires an integrated approach that considers environmental, social, and economic dimensions. The IWSS network partners make a significant contribution to the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The multipliers play a crucial role in disseminating knowledge about the Wadden Sea and its Outstanding Universal Value. Visitors of information centres and participants of guided tours gain a deeper understanding of the diverse needs associated with the Wadden Sea and this enhanced understanding fosters the growth of awareness, promotes dialogue, and paves the way for sustainable practices.