Promoting darkness: Dark Sky Webinar

On April 23rd the webinar “A Darker Sky in the Wadden Sea Region” brought together organisations, stakeholders and astronomers working on the topic of nocturnal darkness in the Wadden Sea Region.
"“Promoting darkness, not as a return to the Dark Ages, but as a move towards a new era in which ecological, social and economic aspects are considered and brought together.” With these words, the Minister für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung of Schleswig-Holstein, Jan Philipp Albrecht, expressed his welcome to almost 100 participants of the Erlebe die Finsternis Webinar, which was held the 23rd of April." Explains the official organisers of the webinar, Programme towards a rich Wadden Sea (PRW).
The contributions of the speakers informed the participants about the social aspect and economic potentials of limiting light pollution and the environmental importance of nocturnal darkness.
John Frikke, project manager at the Nationalpark Vadehavet ran a workshop on the connection between darkness and the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site, and showed that the preservation of darkness at the site support and enhance the protection of the OUV, among others, because night-time lightning has a detrimental effect on migrating birds.
The webinar also offered presentations and workshops about storytelling, marketing and tourism opportunities, tips to become an internationally recognized Dark Sky Park, policy frameworks and easy tips to improve darkness.
The Webinar was successfully organized by PRW, with the support of the Dark Sky Initiative and the speakers.