Projects of Dutch-German Research Call now officially launched

Under pressure of the triple planetary crisis and human activites, the Wadden Sea needs adequate protection and preservation to maintain its Outstanding Universal Value. The Netherlands and Germany are investing 15 million euros to help gain a better understanding of the complex pressures on the Wadden Sea to inform effective protection and management of the area. Five projects were selected to study the relation between ecological changes and human usage and were now officially launched with a kick-off event in Groningen, Netherlands with over 130 researchers and stakeholders from Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. At the event, Sascha Klöpper, Head of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, introduced researchers to the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation and highlighted opportunities for collaboration with regional stakeholders.
Over the next four years, these projects will explore key topics such as sediment dynamics, salt marsh processes, benthic ecology, terrestrial biology, landscape development, and legal frameworks. The findings will help shape actionable strategies and management measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Wadden Sea.
To foster knowledge exchange, the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat is organising a webinar to introduce the projects to a broader audience, facilitating discussions on knowledge gaps, collaboration opportunities, and the potential impact of management actions.
Learn more about the funded projects: