Webinar: North Sea Sustainable Innovation Challenge - Meet the winners



How can an open Innovation Challenge contribute to sustainable development in the North Sea region? What are the ideas of the winning teams and what have they learned since the start of the support programme offered by PROWAD Link?

The North Sea Sustainable Innovation Challenge is an initiative of the University of Groningen - Campus Fryslân and PROWAD Link. The call has been open until March 31st, where everyone with ideas that contribute to social, economic, environmental and heritage challenges in the North Sea region could submit their suggestions. We have received a broad range of submissions in the field of sustainable tourism, green energy transition, nature preservation, storytelling, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and more. After the call was closed, five winning concepts have been announced who have won a support program by PROWAD Link, consisting of workshops, coaching and networking. You can read more about the winners here.

In our upcoming one-hour webinar on 21 September, 10-11.00 CEST, you will learn more about the North Sea Sustainable Innovation Challenge and the five winning teams will present their ideas and the progress they have made together with PROWAD Link. Your participation, interest and potential feedback is highly appreciated! Registration will open as soon as the time of the webinar is confirmed.

For registration, please fill out the form below.