Call for papers: Contribute beyond the ISWSS symposium in the journal “Marine Biodiversity”

A publication of the contribution at the ISWSS and also of work beyond the symposium will be possible in a peer-reviewed paper under the topical collection „Biodiversity and Ecology of the Wadden Sea under changing environments“ in the journal “Marine Biodiversity”. MARB publication style is Continuous Article Publishing, meaning that all papers are published online when they are ready and immediately assigned to an issue (no waiting for the slowest paper as it the case for special issues). ISWSS papers will be mirrored as topical collection on the webpage.
As all papers must be within scope of Marine Biodiversity, all topics need to relate to marine biodiversity research, which most probably will include the contributions by the authors for the themes Birds, Marine Mammals, Alien Species, Sublittoral Habitats, Sustainable development – Eco and Fish. These are the types of papers, which can be considered for publication. Please submit your paper at before 1 April 2023. MARB publication style is Continuous Article Publishing, meaning that all papers are published online when they are ready and immediately assigned to an issue (no waiting for the slowest paper as it the case for special issues). ISWSS papers will be mirrored as topical collection on the webpage.