Third webinar on Sediment Solutions

The third webinar in the series, of a series organised by the Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea, was opened by Chairperson Mindert de Vries with the remarks that the interest in the community continues to be high, as can be derived from the participation of today: ca. 40 participants in total. Of course, there are still points of attention for the development of the community. For example, the balanced participation from the countries and the participation from science and management as well as the involvement of the youth.
Wim Schoorlemmer and Cristina Nazzari, Partnership Hub officer of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, elucidated future plans for the community. Cristina supported the series of webinars right from the start, as the relevance of the topic for the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation was obvious and the initiative launched and organised by the PRW acknowledged.
The key takeaways from the webinar were:
• The Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea will continue to support the community until, at least, the end of 2021.
• The Common Wadden Sea Secretariat will offer further support to the initiative and will help ensuring adequate connection to the existing trilateral groups whenever appropriate.
You can read the webinar summary here and learn more about the programme here