28th Meeting of the Wadden Sea Board (WSB 28)

13.03.2019 - 14.03.2019

Vertretung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein beim Bund, Berlin (D)

The Members and Advisors of the Wadden Sea Board are invited on behalf of the WSB Chairperson to WSB 28 from 13-14 March in Berlin, Germany at the Vertretung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein beim Bund.

WSB 28 Adopted Summary Record


Document number Document Upload date
WSB 28/1/1 WSB 28 Invitation 12.02.2019
WSB 28/2/1 WSB 28 Draft Annotated Agenda 07.03.2019
WSB 28/3/1 WSB 27 Adopted Summary Record 28.02.2019
WSB 28/4.2/1 Danish representation on WSB 23.01.2019
WSB 28/5.1/1 TG-WH Progress Report 20.02.2019
WSB 28/5.1/2 Development of the Single Integrated Management Plan 20.02.2019
WSB 28/5.1/3 TG-STS Progress Report 01.03.2019
WSB 28/5.2/1 Report TG-MM 28.02.2019
WSB 28/5.2/2 Swimway Action Programme 01.03.2019
WSB 28/5.2/3 Management and Action Plan for Alien Species (MAPAS) 25.02.2019
WSB 28/5.4/1 TG-C progress report 18.02.2019
WSB 28/5.4/2 Development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CVI) 20.02.2019
WSB 28/5.5/1 Wadden Sea Container spill 17.01.2019
WSB 28/5.7/1 Trilateral Research Agenda – Joint Paper TG-MM and TG-WH 15.02.2019
WSB 28/5.9/1 Cooperation with other WH sites 15.02.2019
WSB 28/5.9/2 MOU PNBA Mauritania 18.02.2019
WSB 28/5.9/3 Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI) 27.02.2019
WSB 28/5.10/1 IWSS Annual Report 2018 15.02.2019
WSB 28/5.10/2 IWSS Workshop Report 2018 15.02.2019
WSB 28/5.10/3 10th anniversary celebration – information to the Board 22.02.2019
WSB 28/5.10/4 Update website re-launch 27.02.2019
WSB 28/6.1/1 Progress Report of the OPTeamPH 15.02.2019
WSB 28/7.1/1 TOR TWSC groups 04.03.2019
WSB 28/7.1/2 Lists of members of TWSC groups 04.03.2019
WSB 28/7.1/3 TWSC Workplan 2019-2022 04.03.2019
WSB 28/7.1/4 TWSC Priorities List 2019 04.03.2019