Wadden Sea World Heritage Experience Festival


Südstrandpromenade & UNESCO-Wattenmeer Weltnaturerbe Besucherzentrum Wilhelmshaven, Germany

World Heritage tree formed by a group of people at beach. © Pieter de Vries.

On 30 June the two cyclist groups cross the finish line at the Wadden Sea World Heritage Visitor Center in Wilhelmshaven, where a trilateral festival with an experience market marks the end of the tour. Under the patronage of Lower Saxon Minister of Environmental Affairs, Olaf Lies, the festival will bring together stakeholder from NGOs, business, nature conservation administrations, public figures and residents of the Wadden Sea area to celebrate this milestone. Booths with regional products, games and more will let you experience our World Heritage on your stroll down Südstrand promenade. Explore the Visitor Center on its open day with indoor activities and a symposium with expert discussions on the Wadden Sea’s conservation and sustainable growth. Welcome the cyclists on their finish line at 12:30 or join them with your own bike in Alt-Mariensiel at 11:00.



See download section below for more programme details.

10-11:00 Religious service with view on Jade Bay
11-18:00 Experience market on Südstrandpromenade & Open day at the visitor center
12:30 Arrival of cyclists at Südstrandpromenade
14-17:15 Expert talks on "One Wadden Sea: Our Heritage. Our Future." in the visitor centre
18-18:50 One man play "The Red Knot" in the visitor centre


The Anniversary Bike Tour and the final event are sponsored by the Danish Ministry for Environment and Food, the Dutch Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, as well as the Lower Saxon Ministry for Environment, Energy, Building, and Climate Protection and the European Union in the framework of the Interreg project PROWAD LINK.

Attachment Size
Programmübersicht (Deutsch)369.89 KB 369.89 KB
Programme overview (English)367.28 KB 367.28 KB