05.06.2020 East Frisian entrepreneur talks sustainable travel in new Prowad Link video Prowad Link wanted to know how SMEs are coping during the pandemic and set out to provide a voice and platform in the frame of an inspiring video series. Read more
05.06.2020 Wadden Sea Day 2020 on Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative postponed to autumn The 2020 Wadden Sea Day will focus on the achievements of the Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative since it was launched in 2012. Read more
03.06.2020 New report on sustainable tourism gives enterprises an overview of the world of ecolabels What are ecolabels, why are they useful, how can they be used – those are the questions answered by the desk study “Ecolabelling for tourism enterprises – What, why and how”. Read more
25.05.2020 Ameland entrepreneur talks diversification in new Prowad Link video Prowad Link wanted to know how SMEs are coping during the pandemic and set out to provide a voice and platform in the frame of an inspiring video series. Read more
19.05.2020 New video series looks at how small enterprises cope with COVID-19 in the Wadden Sea Region Prowad Link wanted to know how SMEs are coping during the pandemic and set out to provide a voice and platform in the frame of an inspiring video series. Read more
15.05.2020 Wadden Sea World Heritage sends greetings to UNESCO As World Heritage sites are also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre has asked site managers around the world to send them video greetings and share how they manage during the pandemic. Read more
08.05.2020 World Migratory Bird Day 2020: Birds Connect Our World World Migratory Bird Day will be celebrated by people across the world on Saturday, 9 May with the theme “Birds Connect Our World”. Read more
27.04.2020 4th PROWAD LINK partner meeting held online On 21 to 22 April 2020, the project partners held six intense sessions on the current status of the project and its activities. Read more
21.04.2020 Climate change threatens migratory birds in the Wadden Sea The Dutch organisation Programma naar een Rijke Waddenzee has commissioned the Wadden Academy to map out what this means for birds using the East Atlantic Flyway. Read more