TG-M 21-1 SIMP legal databases
SIMP, legal databases shipping and fisheries
TG-M 21-1 MSC Zoe
Shipping, safety, MSC Zoe investigation and Minster´s response
TG-M 21-1 Draft Marine litter inventory Germany
Marine litter inventory
TG-M 21/1 Swimway policy statement
Swimway policy, fish
TG-M 21-1 Marine litter
Marine litter inventory, Marine litter strategic considerations
TG-M 21-1 TG-M progress report
Flyway & Breeding birds, Fish targets/Swimway, Wardening & management, Seal managemetn plan, Harbour porpoises, Alien species, Sustainable fisheries, Marine litter, Energy, Ports and shipping, QSR, TG-M work plan 2020
TG-M 21/1/2rev Draft Summary Record
Flyway, Swimway Tor & policy summary, Marine litter, Shipping, SIMP, Fisheries, Legal databases
TG-M 21-1 Draft Agenda
TG-M progress report, Marine litter, Swimway policy, Shipping, MSC Zoe, SIMP, QSR