Call for side events at the Trilateral Govenmental Conference

The 14th Trilateral Governmental Conference on the Protection of the Wadden Sea (TGC) will take place in Wilhelmshaven from 28 November to 1 December 2022. The conference themed "Together for ONE Wadden Sea World Heritage" is hosted by the current German TWSC Presidency and organised by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment in collaboration with the Lower Saxon Ministry for the Environment and the Lower Saxon Wadden Sea National Park Authority, supported by the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat. The 14th TGC includes side events and a Wadden Sea Market open to the public, giving the opportunity to demonstrate how partners and stakeholders contribute to the protection of the Wadden Sea World Heritage. The organisers are now searching for suitable side events and call for submissions by 28 February.
A side event may be an initiative proposed, arranged and funded by individuals and organisations with a direct link to the Wadden Sea World Heritage. Potential formats may include i.a. presentations, posters, films, performances, exhibitions, workshops or stalls at a common Wadden Sea Market. The side events shall take place in parallel to other activities of the Conference or the Trilateral Governmental Council. Side events are taken up, presented and published in the official TGC programme.
Read more about the application process here and participate with your own side event!