International experts convene to explore fish migrating in the Wadden Sea

This week, leading fish experts are gathering in Groningen, Netherlands, for the highly anticipated second Trilateral Swimway Conference. The symposium is dedicated to understanding and preserving diverse fish life cycles in the world’s largest tidal flats system and beyond. It features the latest research advancements alongside discussions on practical measures to uphold and restore the viability of fish populations within the Wadden Sea. Part of the Waddenacademie Symposium series, the event aims to tackle the multifaceted challenges confronting fish populations in the Wadden Sea and focusses on learning from both successful and unsuccessful management approaches.
Today, participants will embark on various excursions, offering firsthand insights into pioneering fish migration projects within the Dutch Wadden Sea region, such as the sea trout reintroduction project “Fish for connection” at Lauwersmeer, research at the Westerwoldse Aa within the Waddenfund project “Ruim Baan voor Vissen 2“, and the fish migration river at Afsluitdijk. In a unique alignment of interests, the symposium coincides with the Free Flow 2024 conference, focusing on the significance of free-flowing rivers, held earlier in the same week (15-17 April 2024) in Groningen. The joint excursion day underscores the interconnectedness of water ecosystems and the imperative of holistic conservation approaches.
The 2024 Swimway Conference builds on the success of its inaugural 2019 edition with the primary focus on translating research findings into tangible conservation efforts. The event is organised by the Trilateral Expert Group Swimway, the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS), Waddenacademie, Waddenvereniging, the University of Groningen, Wageningen Marine Research, van Hall Larenstein University, Danish National Park Wadden Sea, and Danish Ministry of Environment in the framework of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation.