A few spots left for the Second Trilateral Swimway Conference

Scheduled from 17-19 April 2024, in Groningen, Netherlands, the second Trilateral Swimway Conference is dedicated to understanding and preserving diverse fish life cycles in the world's largest tidal flats system. The programme includes the latest research on fish life cycles, accompanied by discussions on practical measures to safeguard these populations. Emphasising learning from both successful and unsuccessful management approaches, the conference aims to address the complexities facing fish populations in the Wadden Sea. Registration is still open with a few spots still available.
The Swimway Conference 2024 will take place in close association with the free-flowing-rivers conference Free Flow 2024 to be held earlier the same week (15-17 April 2024) in Groningen. The day of excursions is jointly held for the participants of both conferences.
The event builds on the success of its inaugural 2019 edition with the primary focus on translating research findings into tangible conservation efforts and is organised by the Trilateral Wadden Sea Expert Group Swimway and Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) in the framework of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation and in collaboration with Waddenacademie, Waddenvereniging, the University of Groningen, Wageningen Marine Research, van Hall Larenstein University, Danish National Park Wadden Sea, and Danish Ministry of Environment.
Additional information and the registration form can be found on the Conference page.