10 years Wadden Sea World Heritage: World class nature at our door step


Landesvertretung Schleswig-Holstein in Berlin

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Wadden Sea World Heritage, the Federal Representation of Schleswig-Holstein in Berlin invites to an interview parcours on 5 March 2019, 19.00, at the Landesvertretung Schleswig-Holstein.

Opening speech: Jan Philipp Albrecht, Minister für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

With Heads of National Park Dr. Detlef Hansen (SH), Dr. Klaus Janke (HH) and Peter Südbeck (NI), as well as Constanze Höfinghoff, Tourism Director St. Peter Ording, Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire, Head of the Wadden Sea Station Sylt of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Rösner, Head of the WWF Wadden Sea Office, Elisabeth von Meltzer, National Park Authority, and Katja Just, Mayor of Hallig Hooge.

Moderation: Udo Biss

Registration required.