Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform

This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.

Year between
Titel Body Year Period Implementation Principles Document type Language Area Weblinks

Salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers (ground water bodies)

2017 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony
Metode til fremskrivning af oversvømmelsesomfang ved stormflod

Method for simulating the extent of flooding as a result of future storm surge events

2013 Monitoring and assessment Scientific report Danish Denmark
Master Plan Coastal Protection (Main Land)

Strategic plan for coastal protection at the main land.

2007 ongoing Policy and management Policy report German Germany, Lower Saxony
Master Plan Coastal Protection (Islands)

Strategic plan for coastal protection ta the East Frisian islands.

2011 ongoing Policy and management Policy report German Germany, Lower Saxony
MALEK - Effects of Global Change on Marine Ecosystems

Protected species and habitats in the German Baltic Sea and in the North Sea and their sensitivities against anthropogenic impacts and climate change

2012 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project English Germany
Long-term Perspective in Coastal Zone Development

Description of a participatory integrated assessment process to develop climate change adaptation solutions for coastal development

2009 Best practice, Policy and management Scientific report English Germany
Living Coast Lab

Sedimentation on Halligen in the Schelswig-Hostein Wadden Sea

2019 ongoing Best practice Project German Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Wadden Sea
Life Dunes. Report on six years of dune restoration in the Netherlands.

Project report. The Netherlands has major, international responsibility when it comes to preserving the dunes. The country is a stepping stone in the coastal dune zone that runs from northern…

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2012 Best practice Project English Netherlands
Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Managed Realignment and Regulated Tidal Exchange in the UK

In certain coastal and estuarine locations, the best and most sustainable way to enhance flood protection is to realign the primary sea defences in a landward direction. This typically involves…

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2011 Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Scientific report English Germany, Lower Saxony
Kystfodring og sandressourcer

Resources are limited in the sense that they are not renewable. Therefore it is important that the raw materials are used in a socially, appropriately way.

2013 Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment Scientific report Danish Denmark
Kystbeskyttelsesstrateg i- en strategisk indsats for smukkere kyster / The National Coastal Protection Strategy

Coastal protection strategy for the Danish coasts

2011 Policy and management, Communication and education Policy report Danish Denmark
Kyst atlas

Sceenings-tool - where you can find out if the coast is in danger of erosion or flooding

Ongoing Policy and management Website Danish Denmark
Kurswechsel Küste / Changing the coastal course

Book in German. Sea level rise is accelerating, threatening the sustainability of the four million people who live in the lowlands and on the islands of the German North Sea coast. This book,…

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2015 Communication and education Scientific report German
KRIM - Climate Change and Preventive Risk and Coastal Protection Management

Analyses the consequences of an accelerated sea-level rise and intensified extreme incidents (formulated as climate scenarios for the year 2050) and of adaptation options for the natural and the…

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2004 finished Best practice, Policy and management Project German Germany, Lower Saxony
Kortlægning af klimaforandringer

The purpose of this report is to map climate change impacts and opportunities for Denmark, while focusing on the areas where Denmark has the most significant challenges in relation to climate…

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2012 Policy and management Policy report Danish Denmark
KLIWAS - Impacts of climate change on waterways and navigation

…to analyse the potential consequences of climate change for navigation on inland and coastal waterways and to formulate appropriate strategies for adaptation to the changed environmental…

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2013 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Website German Germany, Other
KLIMZUG-NORD Regional strategies concerning climate changes in the metropolitan area of Hamburg sub-project: ‘Estuary River Management’

Research the consequences of climate changes to urban areas, agricultural sites and the tidal riverbed of the Elbe within the city of Hamburg. A range of action plans are going to be recommended,…

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2014 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Schleswig-Holstein
KLIMZUG - NordWest 2050

Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Model Region Bremen-Oldenburg in North Western Germany

2014 finished Best practice Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea
KLIMU - Climate Change and the river Weser 2000 finished Best practice, Policy and management Website German Germany, Lower Saxony
Klimatilpasning - Climate Change Adaptation

The Danish portal for Climate Change Adaptation presents the existing knowledge on climate change and climate change adaptation within a number of areas

ongoing Communication and education Website Danish Denmark