Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform

This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.

Year between
Titel Body Year Period Implementation Principles Document type Language Area Weblinks
A new sediment budget for The Netherlands: the effect of 15 years of nourishing (1991 - 2005)

Newest sediment budget analysis for dutch coast, including Waddenislans/sea

2015 Monitoring and assessment Long-term approach Project English Netherlands, Wadden Sea
Climate Change and the Wadden Sea (Michael-Otto-Foundation)

The effects of climate change on the German Waddensea (coastal mudflats) and the entire Waddensea region are the central focus of the ‘Waddensea Dialogue’. On the Foundation’s invitation, a panel…

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2010 finished Best practice, Communication and education Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein
XtremRisK Extreme storm surges at open coasts and estuarine areas: Risk assessment and mitigation under climate change aspects

To investigate which extreme values of storm surge components will be physically possible under the present and future climate change conditions; storm surge scenarios for which the investigated…

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2012 finished Best practice Project German Germany
Life Dunes. Report on six years of dune restoration in the Netherlands.

Project report. The Netherlands has major, international responsibility when it comes to preserving the dunes. The country is a stepping stone in the coastal dune zone that runs from northern…

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2012 Best practice Project English Netherlands

Salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers (ground water bodies)

2017 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony
KLIMZUG-NORD Regional strategies concerning climate changes in the metropolitan area of Hamburg sub-project: ‘Estuary River Management’

Research the consequences of climate changes to urban areas, agricultural sites and the tidal riverbed of the Elbe within the city of Hamburg. A range of action plans are going to be recommended,…

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2014 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Schleswig-Holstein
AMSeL – Mean Sea Level and Tidal Analysis at the German North Sea Coastline

Detection of mean sea level and analysis of tidal water levels along the German North Sea coast

2010 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein

Investigation and development of products with hydrodynamic models (UnTRIM2 (3D), TELEMAC3D) for 20 years (1996-2015) within the German Bight. These products include:
Bathymetry (annually)…

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2017 ongoing Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, North Sea
Guidelines for klimatilpasning

Guidelines for climate adaptation in coastal areas

2012 Policy and management, Communication and education Project Danish Denmark
AufMod „Aufbau von integrierten Modellsystemen zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht"

Model-based analysis of long-term morphodynamic processes in the German Bight

2012 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein
KRIM - Climate Change and Preventive Risk and Coastal Protection Management

Analyses the consequences of an accelerated sea-level rise and intensified extreme incidents (formulated as climate scenarios for the year 2050) and of adaptation options for the natural and the…

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2004 finished Best practice, Policy and management Project German Germany, Lower Saxony
CLIWAT - Climate and Water

The project focuses on determining the effects of climate change on groundwater systems and through this on surface water and water supply. Furthermore, challenges and solutions for engineering…

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2011 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark

Development of sustainable strategies and measures to protect the Halligen and East-Frisian Islands under climate change

2014 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Schleswig-Holstein
Living Coast Lab

Sedimentation on Halligen in the Schelswig-Hostein Wadden Sea

2019 ongoing Best practice Project German Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Wadden Sea
Jade Bay Project

Documentation and analysis of historical changes induced by natural processes and human influences: Geologic, geophysical, cultural-historical and benthic-ecological development of the Jade Bay;…

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2011 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project German Germany, Lower Saxony
SafeCoast - Keeping our feet dry in the North Sea region

Safecoast was about gaining and sharing knowledge and information on coastal flood and erosion risk management between coastal management authorities in five North Sea countries: Denmark, Germany…

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2008 fnished Best practice, Policy and management Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Wadden Sea
KLIMZUG - NordWest 2050

Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Model Region Bremen-Oldenburg in North Western Germany

2014 finished Best practice Project German Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea

Innovations in coastal protection along the southern North Sea coast. See also: Ahlhorn, F. (2009): Long-term Perspective in Coastal Zone Development - Multifunctional Coastal Protection Zones,…

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2004 finished Best practice, Communication and education Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Lower Saxony, Other
Administrationsgrundlag for søterritoriet A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea.

A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea.

2015 ongoing Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Policy report Danish Denmark, Wadden Sea, North Sea
Master Plan Coastal Protection (Main Land)

Strategic plan for coastal protection at the main land.

2007 ongoing Policy and management Policy report German Germany, Lower Saxony