Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform

This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.

Year between
Title Body Year Period Implementation Principles Document type Language Area Weblinks
Long-term Perspective in Coastal Zone Development

Description of a participatory integrated assessment process to develop climate change adaptation solutions for coastal development

2009 Best practice, Policy and management Scientific report English Germany
OURCOAST - European Data Base for Coastal projects

Support and ensure the exchange of experiences and best practices in coastal planning and management.

ongoing Best practice, Communication and education Website English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
CPSL 2nd Report

The CPSL 2 report contains an analysis of the following instruments and measures that might contribute to sustainable coastal defence strategies for the Wadden Sea: spatial planning, sand…

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2005 Best practice, Policy and management Natural dynamics Policy report English
Protected Areas in Germany under Global Change - Risks and Policy Options: Climate Change in Protected Areas

At this interactive page (in German) climate change scenarios are visible for more than 4000 protected areas (including the Wadden Sea National Parks).

2009 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website English Germany
Ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change

The risk of flood disasters is increasing for many coastal societies owing to global and regional changes in climate conditions, sea-level rise, land subsidence and sediment supply. At the same…

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2013 Communication and education Scientific report English Other
A new sediment budget for The Netherlands: the effect of 15 years of nourishing (1991 - 2005)

Newest sediment budget analysis for dutch coast, including Waddenislans/sea

2015 Monitoring and assessment Long-term approach Project English Netherlands, Wadden Sea
Bar Analysis - Husby Klit to Houvig

Analysis of the influence of bar nourishment on bar development and bar migration

2012 Monitoring and assessment Scientific report English Denmark

Develop technical and shoreline management tools to meet the additional threats that an increased sea level rise and changes in storm conditions impose on coastal areas

2013 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website English Denmark
Life Dunes. Report on six years of dune restoration in the Netherlands.

Project report. The Netherlands has major, international responsibility when it comes to preserving the dunes. The country is a stepping stone in the coastal dune zone that runs from northern…

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2012 Best practice Project English Netherlands
Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Managed Realignment and Regulated Tidal Exchange in the UK

In certain coastal and estuarine locations, the best and most sustainable way to enhance flood protection is to realign the primary sea defences in a landward direction. This typically involves…

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2011 Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Scientific report English Germany, Lower Saxony
Sediment budget and morphological development of the Dutch Wadden Sea: impact of accelerated sea-level rise and subsidence until 2100

Article by Wang, Z., Elias, E., Van der Spek, A., & Lodder, Q. (2018). Sediment budget and morphological development of the Dutch Wadden Sea: Impact of accelerated sea-level rise and…

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2018 Monitoring and assessment Scientific report English Netherlands, Wadden Sea
Wave attenuation over coastal salt marshes under storm surge conditions

Coastal communities around the world face an increasing risk from flooding as a result of rising sea level, increasing storminess and land subsidence. Salt marshes can act as natural buffer zones…

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2014 Communication and education Scientific report English
CLIWAT - Climate and Water

The project focuses on determining the effects of climate change on groundwater systems and through this on surface water and water supply. Furthermore, challenges and solutions for engineering…

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2011 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
Delta-programma 2016

Long term vision on flood risk protection and fresh water supply, annual progress on implementation of measures

2015 Policy and management Long-term approach Policy report English Netherlands, Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea
UBA - KOMPASS ongoing Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Website English Germany
Options for dynamic coastal management. A guide for managers.

Deltares report. Annual sand nourishment operations maintain the coast line and supplement the coastal foundation so that it can match sea-level rise. In practice, the dunes are the least active…

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2013 Policy and management Policy report English Netherlands
SafeCoast - Keeping our feet dry in the North Sea region

Safecoast was about gaining and sharing knowledge and information on coastal flood and erosion risk management between coastal management authorities in five North Sea countries: Denmark, Germany…

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2008 fnished Best practice, Policy and management Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Wadden Sea
TIDE - Tidal River Development

Climate Change and European estuaries

2013 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Website English Netherlands, Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein
Ten years of saltmarsh restoration in noard-fryslân Bûtendyks

The nature conservation organisation, It Fryske Gea, is committed to preserving the natural values of this area just outside the seawall and so, in 2001, initiated a trial to restore saltmarshes…

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2001-2014 Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Data report English Netherlands

Innovations in coastal protection along the southern North Sea coast. See also: Ahlhorn, F. (2009): Long-term Perspective in Coastal Zone Development - Multifunctional Coastal Protection Zones,…

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2004 finished Best practice, Communication and education Project English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Lower Saxony, Other