Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform
This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.
Title | Body | Year | Period | Implementation | Principles | Document type | Language | Area | Weblinks |
PACE - The future of the Wadden Sea sediment fluxes: still keeping pace with sea level rise? | The project responds to the Georisks part of the 1st transnational call for proposals on Bilateral Wadden Sea Research by aiming at assessing the present state and sensitivity to future trends in… Read more |
2015 | fnished | Best practice, Monitoring and assessment | Website | Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Wadden Sea | | ||
Metode til fremskrivning af oversvømmelsesomfang ved stormflod | Method for simulating the extent of flooding as a result of future storm surge events |
2013 | Monitoring and assessment | Scientific report | Danish | Denmark |… | ||
Guidelines for klimatilpasning | Guidelines for climate adaptation in coastal areas |
2012 | Policy and management, Communication and education | Project | Danish | Denmark | |||
Kystfodring og sandressourcer | Resources are limited in the sense that they are not renewable. Therefore it is important that the raw materials are used in a socially, appropriately way. |
2013 | Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment | Scientific report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Kyst atlas | Sceenings-tool - where you can find out if the coast is in danger of erosion or flooding |
Ongoing | Policy and management | Website | Danish | Denmark | | ||
Kortlægning af klimaforandringer | The purpose of this report is to map climate change impacts and opportunities for Denmark, while focusing on the areas where Denmark has the most significant challenges in relation to climate… Read more |
2012 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Kystbeskyttelsesstrateg i- en strategisk indsats for smukkere kyster / The National Coastal Protection Strategy | Coastal protection strategy for the Danish coasts |
2011 | Policy and management, Communication and education | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Klimatilpasning - Climate Change Adaptation | The Danish portal for Climate Change Adaptation presents the existing knowledge on climate change and climate change adaptation within a number of areas |
ongoing | Communication and education | Website | Danish | Denmark |, | ||
Climate adaptation plan - Fanø Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | | ||
Vi beskytter Vestkysten / Wir schützen die Westküste | Information regarding the coastal nourishment on the Danish West Coast |
2015 | Communication and education | Other | Danish | Denmark |, | ||
Climate adaptation plan - Tønder Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Administrationsgrundlag for søterritoriet A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea. | A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea. |
2015 | ongoing | Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education | Policy report | Danish | Denmark, Wadden Sea, North Sea | | |
Climate adaptation plan - Esbjerg Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Climate adaptation plan - Varde Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces beause of the expetctet changes in the future climate. |
2015 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Risicokaart (risk maps) | Website showing risks in the Netherlands, amongs others Flood Risk (based on EU-Flood-risk data |
Communication and education | Long-term approach | Map | Dutch | Netherlands | | ||
Bar Analysis - Husby Klit to Houvig | Analysis of the influence of bar nourishment on bar development and bar migration |
2012 | Monitoring and assessment | Scientific report | English | Denmark | | ||
Life Dunes. Report on six years of dune restoration in the Netherlands. | Project report. The Netherlands has major, international responsibility when it comes to preserving the dunes. The country is a stepping stone in the coastal dune zone that runs from northern… Read more |
2012 | Best practice | Project | English | Netherlands | |||
COADAPT | Develop technical and shoreline management tools to meet the additional threats that an increased sea level rise and changes in storm conditions impose on coastal areas |
2013 | finished | Best practice, Communication and education | Website | English | Denmark | ||
Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Managed Realignment and Regulated Tidal Exchange in the UK | In certain coastal and estuarine locations, the best and most sustainable way to enhance flood protection is to realign the primary sea defences in a landward direction. This typically involves… Read more |
2011 | Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education | Scientific report | English | Germany, Lower Saxony |, | ||
Sediment budget and morphological development of the Dutch Wadden Sea: impact of accelerated sea-level rise and subsidence until 2100 | Article by Wang, Z., Elias, E., Van der Spek, A., & Lodder, Q. (2018). Sediment budget and morphological development of the Dutch Wadden Sea: Impact of accelerated sea-level rise and… Read more |
2018 | Monitoring and assessment | Scientific report | English | Netherlands, Wadden Sea |… |