Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform
This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.
Title | Body | Year | Period | Implementation | Principles | Document type | Language | Area | Weblinks |
Ten years of saltmarsh restoration in noard-fryslân Bûtendyks | The nature conservation organisation, It Fryske Gea, is committed to preserving the natural values of this area just outside the seawall and so, in 2001, initiated a trial to restore saltmarshes… Read more |
2001-2014 | Best practice, Monitoring and assessment | Data report | English | Netherlands |… | ||
Risicokaart (risk maps) | Website showing risks in the Netherlands, amongs others Flood Risk (based on EU-Flood-risk data |
Communication and education | Long-term approach | Map | Dutch | Netherlands | | ||
Vi beskytter Vestkysten / Wir schützen die Westküste | Information regarding the coastal nourishment on the Danish West Coast |
2015 | Communication and education | Other | Danish | Denmark |, | ||
Climate adaptation plan - Fanø Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | | ||
Master Plan Coastal Protection (Islands) | Strategic plan for coastal protection ta the East Frisian islands. |
2011 | ongoing | Policy and management | Policy report | German | Germany, Lower Saxony |… | |
Climate adaptation plan - Tønder Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Master Plan Coastal Protection (Main Land) | Strategic plan for coastal protection at the main land. |
2007 | ongoing | Policy and management | Policy report | German | Germany, Lower Saxony |… | |
Administrationsgrundlag for søterritoriet A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea. | A tool for applicants, who apply for installations and activities within the Danish territorial sea. |
2015 | ongoing | Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education | Policy report | Danish | Denmark, Wadden Sea, North Sea | | |
CPSL 3rd report | CPSL concluded that spatial planning can contribute significantly to improve the resilience of the coastal system against climate change. Depending on varying vulnerabilities of different uses,… Read more |
2010 | Policy and management | Natural dynamics | Policy report | English | /resources/ecosystem-28-coastal-protection-and-sea-level-rise | ||
Climate adaptation plan - Esbjerg Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces because of the expect changes in the future climate. |
2014 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
CPSL 2nd Report | The CPSL 2 report contains an analysis of the following instruments and measures that might contribute to sustainable coastal defence strategies for the Wadden Sea: spatial planning, sand… Read more |
2005 | Best practice, Policy and management | Natural dynamics | Policy report | English | /resources/ecosystem-21-coastal-protection-and-sea-level-rise | ||
Climate adaptation plan - Varde Municipality | The climate adaptation plan outlines the challenges the municipality faces beause of the expetctet changes in the future climate. |
2015 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Strategie für das Wattenmeer 2100 | Schleswig-Holstein State Strategy for adaptation to climate change (coastal risk management and nature conservation) in the Wadden Sea |
2015 | Policy and management | Natural dynamics, Integration, Flexibility, Long-term approach | Policy report | German | Schleswig-Holstein |… | |
Climate Protection Schleswig-Holstein | report on climate adaptation policy in Schleswig-Holstein |
2009 | ongoing | Policy and management, Communication and education | Policy report | German | Germany, Schleswig-Holstein | | |
Delta-programma 2016 | Long term vision on flood risk protection and fresh water supply, annual progress on implementation of measures |
2015 | Policy and management | Long-term approach | Policy report | English | Netherlands, Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea | ||
Governmental Commission on Climate Protection in Lower Saxony | structure of an adaptation strategy 2010; policy on climate protection 2010 |
2008 | finished | Policy and management, Communication and education | Policy report | German | Germany, Lower Saxony | ||
Options for dynamic coastal management. A guide for managers. | Deltares report. Annual sand nourishment operations maintain the coast line and supplement the coastal foundation so that it can match sea-level rise. In practice, the dunes are the least active… Read more |
2013 | Policy and management | Policy report | English | Netherlands | | ||
Kortlægning af klimaforandringer | The purpose of this report is to map climate change impacts and opportunities for Denmark, while focusing on the areas where Denmark has the most significant challenges in relation to climate… Read more |
2012 | Policy and management | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
Kystbeskyttelsesstrateg i- en strategisk indsats for smukkere kyster / The National Coastal Protection Strategy | Coastal protection strategy for the Danish coasts |
2011 | Policy and management, Communication and education | Policy report | Danish | Denmark | |||
KLIMZUG - NordWest 2050 | Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Model Region Bremen-Oldenburg in North Western Germany |
2014 | finished | Best practice | Project | German | Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea | |