Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform

This table shows best practices such as trilateral policy and management, best practices, monitoring and assessment and activities in communication and education in the framework of the Interreg project Building with Nature. The Wadden Sea Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform includes activity outputs (such as policy reports, scientific reports, projects etc.) and can be filtered by year, document type, implementation and area as well as downloaded as CSV-file.

Year between
Title Body Year Period Implementation Principles Document type Language Area Weblinks
KLIWAS - Impacts of climate change on waterways and navigation

…to analyse the potential consequences of climate change for navigation on inland and coastal waterways and to formulate appropriate strategies for adaptation to the changed environmental…

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2013 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Website German Germany, Other
PACE - The future of the Wadden Sea sediment fluxes: still keeping pace with sea level rise?

The project responds to the Georisks part of the 1st transnational call for proposals on Bilateral Wadden Sea Research by aiming at assessing the present state and sensitivity to future trends in…

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2015 fnished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Website Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Wadden Sea
Climate Proof Areas

The district of Wesermarsch has been chosen as a project area in the European Climate Proof Areas- project (CPA).  The rural hinterland concept is a unique initiative which draws up intelligent…

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2011 finished Best practice, Policy and management Website English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
"Speichern statt pumpen" - Restoring instead of pumping

Integrated drainage management at the Lower Saxonian coast

2010 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website German Germany, Lower Saxony

Address the needs of marine spatial planning, environmental protection, socio-economic development, risk management and mitigation, by delivering harmonised land and sea geographic data sets

2012 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
OURCOAST - European Data Base for Coastal projects

Support and ensure the exchange of experiences and best practices in coastal planning and management.

ongoing Best practice, Communication and education Website English Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
Protected Areas in Germany under Global Change - Risks and Policy Options: Climate Change in Protected Areas

At this interactive page (in German) climate change scenarios are visible for more than 4000 protected areas (including the Wadden Sea National Parks).

2009 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website English Germany

Develop technical and shoreline management tools to meet the additional threats that an increased sea level rise and changes in storm conditions impose on coastal areas

2013 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website English Denmark
KLIFF- Climate impact and adaptation research in Lower Saxony sub-project: ‘IMPLAN’

Implementation of results from KLIFF in spatial planning in Lower Saxony. By evaluation of the possible consequences of climate change and establishment of an inventory of available instruments…

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2013 finished Best practice Website German Germany, Lower Saxony
KLIMU - Climate Change and the river Weser 2000 finished Best practice, Policy and management Website German Germany, Lower Saxony

Perform an inter- and transdisciplinary investigation of four land management scenarios, applied to a North Sea and a Baltic Sea coastal region in Germany. COMTESS will quantify and evaluate the…

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2015 finished Best practice, Communication and education Website German Germany, Denmark, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea
Climate Action for Hamburg

The Hamburg Climate Action Policy comprises 10 fields of action, reflecting all areas of climate action policy. For each field of action, the Senate has set goals which are to be planned and…

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2012 ongoing Policy and management, Communication and education Website German Germany
Project Data Base at BfN (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) ongoing Best practice, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Website German Germany
Biogeochemistry of Tidal Flats

Biogeochemical transformations on water-column-suspended particles, at the sediment-water interface and in the sediments are studied Considering the hydrodynamic conditions, the influence of the…

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2009 finished Best practice, Monitoring and assessment Website German Germany, Lower Saxony, Wadden Sea
Kyst atlas

Sceenings-tool - where you can find out if the coast is in danger of erosion or flooding

Ongoing Policy and management Website Danish Denmark
UBA - KOMPASS ongoing Best practice, Policy and management, Monitoring and assessment, Communication and education Website English Germany
German Climate Adaptation Strategy

On 17 December 2008 the Federal Cabinet adopted the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, creating  a framework for adapting to the impacts of climate change in Germany. It primarily…

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2008 ongoing Monitoring and assessment Website German Germany, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein